The Power of Intentions: Why You Should Set Intentions Prior to Your Ayahuasca Ceremony (or any plant medicine ceremony)

The remarkable outcomes of a spiritual retreat when working with plant medicines can range from healing of the body, mind, and spirit, all the way down to spiritual transcendence.


Participating in a plant medicine ceremony (whether it’s ayahuasca, mushrooms, Sapo, etc.) is that exact doorway for deep transformation.

What we make sure to drive home at Arkana is a component of transformation that is often underlooked—intention.

What does intention really mean and how does this lead to transformation?

Your intention is an anchor for your Ayahuasca (or plant medicine) experience.

Intentions in an Ayahuasca ceremony can range from super specific to more general but regardless can help you to focus and get the most out of your ayahuasca experience. When there is a clear intention there is a clear result.

Ayahuasca ceremonies can elicit deep emotional, energetic and spiritual journeys of the mind, body and soul and can confront certain parts of your subconscious. If you end up in a dark or unknown space, remembering your intention can also recenter you.

How set intentions for your ayahuasca ceremony?

First, take some to reflect on why you feel called to experience ayahuasca.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I seeking to learn?

  • What am I seeking to understand?

  • What is calling out to me?

  • How do I feel about my life?

  • What is difficult for me right now?

Your intention is ultimately the answer to the question “why did I decide to work with ayahuasca?”.

Additionally, setting an intention doesn’t mean focusing on a problem, or reliving anything. Instead, it’s about focusing on what is on the other side of what you want to solve.

For example: You want to get rid of anxiety.

By repeating “I want to get rid of my anxiety”, you focus exactly on that. You may end up repeating the wrong mantra: anxiety, anxiety, anxiety… Instead of focusing on anxiety, focus on the solution.

Focus on what lies on the other side of the ‘problem’ you want to be solved. Focus on what you want to attain. Maybe that’s courage, confidence or freedom.

Another way to approach setting an intention is to simply ask Mother Ayahuasca to show you what you need to know or do to continue evolving in your life and be open to receiving those revelations.


Remember… when working with ayahuasca, trust and surrender. Trust the journey, surrender to whatever it is you are receiving. We often say, “the medicine will give you what you need, not what you want.”

Working with ayahuasca and other plant medicines is powerful healing work. If you’ve decided to dive into the deep unknowns and work with the medicines, our family here at Arkana encourage you to meditate and to be clear with your intentions to make the most out of your experience.

Please feel free to reach out at jose@arkanainternational with any questions you have about our processes.